Monday, August 2, 2010

Starting up the old blog again...

Every Spring, I wonder what will happen when I dig the mower out of its state of hibernation, change out the old oil, and pull the cord for the first time. Smoke? Fire? Nothing? Well, now that we've finished out DVD series (Prodigal God by Tim Keller) that went along with our "parable" series from Luke, it's time we pull the blog out of its resting state and see what happens. Hopefully, we'll be able to get it running again.

As you might remember, here's the way things worked: each Monday morning, I'll post a follow-up to the sermon- either for clarity, ideas for application, or with some questions that can help your Community Groups discuss the text that week. Please feel free to let me know if there are ways I can improve what we're doing.

In addition to the blog, you'll see some new things happening at the site... and by "new" I mean, "not the old highlights from February. (We aim high around here.) So- thanks for your patience... let's see what this thing can do again!