Monday, May 9, 2011

The video I mentioned in Sunday's sermon...

Cherishing and Guarding the Gospel...

If you like Antiques Roadshow, you're familiar with the basic formula. Folks who know very little about what they possess bring their valuables (or rubbish) to this travelling appraisal crew for expert assessment. It's fairly boring except for the moments when someone brings in something they've always thought was unusual... and then find out that it's unbelievably priceless.

These last two weeks have been a lot like that for us as a church. We've pulled out the dusty, often neglected, antique-sounding, old-time message of the gospel- the truth that Jesus Christ died and rose for my sins according to God's eternal plan. God called that message the most important truth we can know and rest in. It's not a ticket intended to get us into heaven... instead, Jesus's work in saving us will be the ongoing focal point of God's glory into eternity (Rev 5).

For that reason, we spent the last two weeks introducing our mission possible series by remembering that the church is called to cherish and to guard the gospel. What we value, we protect... and the fact that God placed this message as being of first importance means we want to understand how important it is that we believe, suffer for, and defend the gospel. In order to help us dig into the messages even more, I've attached two review sheets from the past two sermons. Going forward, I hope to have these up Sunday night for your review... thanks!