Monday, November 29, 2010

the before and after of Timothy's journey...

These last two weeks, we've learned a lot from Paul's example. Two weeks ago, we saw in chapters 2-3 what it looks like to love others. This last week, we saw in 3:6-10 what it means to have eyes and ears for the grace of God in others. While Paul is so very different from us in terms of his capacity to explain the gospel and his role in the kingdom of God, we still have the ability to follow him and others who model these same characteristics.

1 Thess 2:13 - 3:5... Joy

Paul's commitment to the kingdom of God was expressed in his love for others. Acts 16-17 tells us that Paul left Thessalonica abruptly and wasn't able to return. This could have left the church confused as to why Paul couldn't or wouldn't come have to visit them. However, in chapters 2-3 we get an insider's perspective on what motivated Paul during his departure from the church he loved and what he did in return. Although he wanted to be with them, he sent Timothy away- leaving Paul alone- to check on their well-being. All this was driven by a concern that the churhc would buckle under the afflictions they were suffering. In all this, we saw four evidences of Paul's love for this church: he made time for them (2:7-18), he took joy in them (2:19-20), he made sacrifices for them (3:1-2), and he showed concern for them (3:3-5).
  • As you consider these examples of loving well, what stood out to you as ways you've been loved by others in this church? What about in your community group? (Take time to commend those who've shown you this kind of love.) In what ways did Paul's desire for the Thessalonians stir up your desire to meet regularly with others "face to face"? How can your group grow in strengthening those meetings? Paul sacrificed his partner in the ministry for the sake of helping others. What promises from God help you to have faith to make similar sacrifices for the good of others?

1 Thess 3:6-10... Affection

This last week, Jonathan did a wonderful job of highlighting Paul's role as a spiritual "birder"- one whose eyes and ears had been trained to notice and appreciate the active grace of God in others. We want to grow in a similar way- learning to drown out the background cluttering noises of sin and weakness while tuning our ears for the good news in others. In verse 6, we read that Paul received the good news from Timothy- the church was thriving! Thriving in their affection for Paul and in their dedication to Jesus... a dedication summed up by their "faith and love". This good news produced three things in Paul- (1) comfort in his afflictions, (2) thankfulness towards God, (3) joy in other's growth. Paul had to wait a while to receive news from Timothy- about a month. When it came, Paul was comforted and protected from self-pity about his circumstances. Paul was thankful to God and protected from self-congratulations. Paul was joyful and protected from a self-righteous criticism. What wonderful fruit... fruit we'd all like to enjoy in our lives as well.

  • When we consider the fruit evident in Paul's life, it's easy to forget that Paul isn't saying he worked hard to be comforted, thankful, and joyful. Instead, Paul focused his ears on enjoying God's work in others and then God did this work in him! Jonathan asked us some good questions along these lines: Are we tuned in like Paul- listening for good news about others? Are we patient like Paul- willing to wait for good news? Are we humble like Paul- remembering that "Paul only plants, but God causes growth" (1 Cor 3)? Are we intentional like Paul- eager to direct our gratitude to God? Ultimately, are comfort, gratitude, and joy my experience in the midst of my family/church/marriage/job/etc? If not, what's preventing you from taking the next step in noticing God's grace in others?
  • Jonathan ended with three suggestions: (1) embrace biblical expectations for others... simultaneously saints and sinners, (2) abandon unbiblical "litmus tests" of success and godliness... look for fruit of the Spirit and gifts of the Spirit, (3) remember that your "discernment" often masks your underlying pride. What is one way you'd like to grow in applying one of those suggestions?

Whew, that's a lot to ponder, but informed by a glorious reality- God is active in us because of Christ's work for us. So enjoy discussing how to apply God's Word. Hopefully, some of those thoughts above can serve you this week!

Monday, November 15, 2010

What it takes to really help others...

Have you ever been criticized for the role you played in somebody's life when all you were trying to do was be helpful? It's amazing how quickly something that seemed noble can be twisted around into an attack on your character. Of course, we never want to negate legitimate observations about our sinful motives or obvious weaknesses. However, it's a fairly common experience that the messenger can often get shot at. Paul experienced this in Thessalonica, especially after his departure. In our last two sermons, we examined Paul's defense of his ministry and Paul's gratitude for the church's receptivity.

1 Thess 2:9-12... Courage

The gospel motivated Paul, Silas, and Timothy to lives of authentic ministry. Their lives were marked by care for others and care for the truth (v 1-8). In this passage, we saw two other marks of authentic ministry: hard work in ministry and a witness accompanying ministry. Paul and his companions chose to forego the perks of being an apostle (getting financial support) in favor of working with their hands. In addition, they lived in purity and holiness before them and the Lord. This allowed them to bring God's Word to the believers in a manner that was sometimes encouraging and sometimes challenging... like fathers among their children.
  • When you consider these four marks of authentic ministry that Paul demonstrated in Thessalonica, in which ways do you see these characteristics in your friends? Take time to encourage them and point out the ways God has used these in your life. In what ways would you like to grow? How can the group pray for you in this?

1 Thess 2:13-16... Listening

Paul returns to the goal of thanking God for the church. In verse 13 he centered his gratitude around the fact that the church welcomed the gospel as the very words of God... not simply as Paul's words. This mark of a maturing church reminds us that Scripture is God's very words. As we realize this, we will grow in attending God's Word (placing it before our eyes regularly and finding ways to "take receipt" of it), in accepting God's Word (welcoming it into our lives because of God's authority to speak to us), and in applying God's Word (particularly in the context of v 14-16 presents us- suffering). Ultimately, this is fruitful because Scripture points us to the hope we have in Christ who has rescued us and delivered us (not to a future of wrath- v 16) to a glorious hope in Christ (see 1 Th 1:10). When you consider these three categories, how would you rank your receptivity to God's word in the following areas:

  • Attending God's Word: Do you have a plan for reading His Word? How are you doing at keeping to that plan regularly?
  • Accepting God's Word: How are you actively seeking to listen to sermons at SGC? Since these are the main ways we study God's Word together, how are you seeking to revisit and apply the Word of God that we've looked at together?
  • Applying God's Word: In what ways are God's promises currently preparing you for future suffering or sustaining you in the midst of your current suffering? How can this group pray for you now in regards to this?

Have a great meeting this week as you seek to apply the word of God together!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

a Church in Waiting...

Over the last three weeks, we've been opening up the book of 1 Thessalonians in our series called, "A Church in Waiting." Acts 16-17 helps us understand the background of how Paul, Silas, and Timothy travelled into the region of Thessalonica and faced an intense opposition. By the time they arrived in Thessalonica, they had preached the gospel and established churches in at least 8 cities... that's quite an impressive record of faithfulness in spreading the gospel and fulfilling Jesus's call to his disciples in Acts 1:8! After staying in with the Thessalonians for only a few months, they were forced once again to leave because of the threats to their safety. Once they arrived at the southern city of Corinth, they received news that the church was doing well. So the men decided to write to their friends... hence the letter of 1 Thessalonians, a letter describing the marks of a maturing church.

1 Thess 1:1-3... Gratitude

Despite Paul, Silas, and Timothy's growing reputation and significance in the spread of the gospel, these first three verses are marked by gratitude for three things (their work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope). Paul sees that this young but godly church was growing because they believed God's Word, loved God's people, and anticipated Christ's return. What marks that ought to be typical of an growing church- faith, hope, and love.
  • This invites a couple questions for us: Are these aspects of maturity evident in our lives and our church as well? Since Paul could find evidence of these things in such a young church, wouldn't it make sense that our gratitude should abound as well after a decade of enjoying this in our midst? What can you do to stir a similar gratitude for those you get to encourage?

1 Thess 1:4-10... Example

When Paul looks at the church in Thessalonica, he makes the following statement: "You were imitators of me, and you became an example to the region"(v 6-7). What an amazing concept- Paul highlights that the collective force of the Christians (plural) in Thessalonica seved as an example (singular) to the region. As we looked at that concept, we saw that nothing authenticates the gospel like a community transformed by the gospel. This ground of Christians served as a singular example in a few ways: they received the gospel, they rejected their idols, and they responded to Christ. This young church heard the word in a way that helped them to dethrone all competing allegiances to other gods so that they could serve Christ while they waited for His return.
  • If our church were to serve as a similar example of a community transformed, we would want to ask some questions as well: How do we receive the word as a church? Are we eager to hear others remind us of God's word when it encourages us? when it challenges us? when it convicts us? when it comforts us? Secondly, what "competing allegiances" are present in our lives? How are we regularly seeking to examine ourselves at the level of what motivates us? Lastly, do service and expectation for Christ's return mark our new life in Christ? Where is there evidence of that in those around you?

1 Thess 2:1-8... Comfort

Paul, Silas, and Timothy turn the attention in chapter 2 to a defense of their ministry while in Thessalonica. Unlike the philosopher-conmen that populated the 1st century, the gospel motivated Paul to a life of authentic ministry. Verses 1-2 showed us that Paul and his friends boldly proclaimed the gospel despit the shameful treatment they received as a result. What could sustain that boldness? We have Paul's example to remind us of 4 characteristics of gospel-propelled care for others. We looked at 2 in verses 1-8 last week as we saw that the gospel calls us to care about people and to care about truth. Paul said that he was gentle with them because of his affection for them (v 7-8), but that he wasn't seeking their money, approval, or applause. Instead, Paul wanted to please God.
  • When you think of comfort, is this the kind of life that comes to mind? Too often, we imagine comforting others as being little more than joining them in their pain. But Paul's example beckons us to ask ourselves: Do I demonstrate a real love for my friends by being this kind of friend? A friend who is genuinely affectionate for others? A friend who refuses to flatter or win others with empty words? A friend who will unswervingly share not just words of comfort... but also our own lives?

As you gather this week, take time to point out areas of grace in others. Let Paul's example of affectionate encouragement and genuinely motivated comfort motivate you to find ways to express your gratitude for God's work in others. If you feel comfortable, ask others how you can grow in one of the categories we've seen so far.

Have a great week!