Monday, October 19, 2009

Speaking with the confidence of a forgiven convict...

"Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convict the world..." (John 16:7-8)

Over these last two weeks, we've tried to answer a very difficult question: "How is it possibly best that Jesus is not here on the earth in physical form?" I mean seriously, which one of us wouldn't rather have Jesus preaching the Sunday sermon and then have that transmitted all over the world to hear? He could do all the conferences and clarify our struggles in a series of Q&A's... what could be better than that? Apparently (according to John 14 to 16) it's better the way God's arranged it now: the Son (glorified in heaven) making intercession for us in His Father's direct presence; the Spirit (active on earth) comforting the church and convicting the world. The challenge (as we've seen recently in John) is to live out that reality- all this has been to our advantage... and it's been great to be reminded of that with you recently. As you come to community groups this week, let's build each other's faith for the active work of the Spirit in the church and in our neighbors:

By way of review: the HELPER- pt 1 (John 15:26-27)
Jesus builds our expectation of the Spirit's role by reminding us that the Helper has come to comfort the church.

Pt 1- The Holy Spirit comes after Jesus. Jesus pointed the disciples to the "Helper" (other versions: "Comforter" or "Counselor"... all of which are tied to a NT word used mainly in this passage) and wanted them to anticipate His arrival. He told them that His glory was going to shine brightest once He has returned to the Father... but they wouldn't be alone. Instead, His followers would have the advantage of Another Helper who could reside in them... that promise became a massive reality at Pentecost. Question: as a Christian looking back on Calvary and Pentecost, do you live aware that the Holy Spirit lives in you? What could you do to increase your awareness of His comfort for you?

Pt 2- The Holy Spirit comes from Jesus. Jesus promised that He would send the Spirit in 15:26. He had also mentioned that the Father would send the Spirit in chapter 14 (v 16 and 26). The disciples had the confidence that the Helper's arrival was with the full authority of the Father and the personal request of the Son. Therefore, the comfort we receive from the Spirit and the confidence He gives come with the full weight of God's will. This should evoke a sense of humble anticipation for the Spirit's work. Question: Does it humble you to consider the holiness of God's Spirit who has come to dwell in you? How would you describe your current level of anticipation at meeting with God's Spirit who has come to dwell in you? What are you doing to grow in both humility and eagerness to meet with God?


By way of review: the HELPER- pt 2 (John 16:1-11)
Jesus builds our confidence of the Spirit's assistance by reminding us that the Helper has come to convict the world.

Pt 1- The DILEMMA- The world is deceived (v 1-4).
Jesus reminded the disciples that the world (those who live under the lie that God's glory is not supremely valuable) is deceived. It lives with a false sense of values- much like the Emperor valued his new "clothes". The result of this deception is that the world can (and will) persecute those who live for God's glory today. We are in danger of forgetting this opposition... in danger of living according to the world's priorities... in danger of falling away when we're opposed. Question: Have you been surprised lately at any ways in which you've been persecuted? (Why or why not?)

Pt 2- The HERO- The Helper has come (v 4-7). Jesus encouraged the disciples that they could live with confidence in the midst of this deception and persecution because they weren't alone. Jesus hadn't abandoned them (14:27-28). Instead, the had gained considerably because of the presence of the Spirit. Question: As Darren read the e-mails of those who had shared the gospel over this past week, what people came to mind in your life that you've wanted to witness to? How would a stronger belief in the Spirit's presence give you confidence to speak up in the "God moments" that He is arranging for you?

Pt 3- The RESCUE- the Helper is speaking (v 8-11). Jesus told the disciples that the Spirit is actively at work convicting the world of three things: (1) Conviction about the sin of unbelief in who Jesus is - v 9. Jesus died in order to bear God's wrath against sin. The world must "trample the Son of God" in order to reject God's glory. (2) Conviction about their lack of innate righteousness - v 10. Just like Jesus diverted the Jews eyes from the Temple and the Sabbath to Himself, the Spirit diverts our eyes from our attempts at being good enough. Instead, the Helper points to the righteousness available in Christ alone. (3) Conviction about the judgment Satan will endure - v 11. The Enemy was judged at the Cross because of the Savior's victory over sin. All those who live according to Satan's deception in the world will suffer the same judgment for their rebellion. Questions: If we believed that the Helper was actively working to convict sin, how that affect whether we would do the following things?
  • How might we parent our children if we knew He was at work?
  • How might we confidently share the gospel if we knew He was at work?
  • How might we bear with our sibling's, friend's, or spouse's failures if we knew He was at work?
a forgiven convict,