Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This is a series on worship?

Over the past two weeks, we've begun a series on worshiping God... but you might have noticed that we haven't really hit the big "worship" topics. Why haven't we talked about the "style" of worship (like contemporary or traditional) or the "stuff" of worship (like singing and playing instruments)? Good questions.

First, no- we didn't forget. Instead, we wanted to begin the series by remembering what makes worship possible in the first place. We were people who saw God's glory in creation and heard it in the word... and we blew God off, we lived for other things, we considered Him insignificant. We didn't worship Him- we ignored Him. So what happened? Simply, Jesus lived for us, died for us, and sent the Spirit to change us. Ignoring and blowing God off isn't our destiny anymore... worship is. But "worship" songs that forget Jesus' finished work aren't really worship. So we wanted to start there first.

So here's where we're headed: this week, Eric will be preaching on the privilege of singing. The following week, we'll be looking at what it means to be expressive in worship. Finally, we'll tie things up by thinking about how to live during the week to make the most of Sunday morning. All of that will hopefully enable us to clearly understand what it means to "present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." (Rom 12:1)