"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)Have you ever found yourself living between the two realities above? "In the world" there are troubles; "In Christ" there is peace. These are two truths we looked at in the passage this past Sunday (John 16:16-33). It's hard to believe that Christ really has overcome the sorrows, anxieties, and opposition we face in this life. It's easy to believe that conflicts with friends, fears about illness or the economy, or resistance to Jesus' Kingdom will somehow win out in the end. Instead, Jesus calls us to remember that we who follow Jesus can by transformed by remembering one thing: Jesus is risen.
So this week in community group, let's look for evidence that the Resurrection really does matter in our daily lives.Pt 1- The gospel transforms sorrowful disciples. (16:20-22) Jesus told his disciples that His departure (the Cross) would cause them to weep and mourn... that the anguish could be compared to a woman in labor. Despite how little they could understand exactly what He meant, Jesus also told them that they could know joy because they would see Him "a little while later." Apparently, the Resurrection would transform the disciples... so here's a question for us: "
How does Jesus' resurrection from the dead transform the way you handle sorrow in life?" Be practical- look for verses together that remind you that Jesus' triumph over death can provide you with joy "that no one can take away from you."Pt 2- The gospel transforms anxious disciples (16:23-27) According to Jesus, the fact that He would come back again would bring about a new day. "In that day" He said, "you will ask in my name, and I do not say to you that I will ask the Father on your behalf..." (v 26) Jesus was inviting the disciples into direct access with the Father- all because of the Resurrection. So here's a second question-
How does that work out in your life? When you're anxious and want to live out verses like Matthew 6:25 or Phil 4:6, how does Jesus' resurrection build your confidence in prayer? Again, be specific... do any examples of this come to mind?Pt 3- The gospel transforms fearful disciples (16:28-33) Jesus was very clear that we are not supposed to be surprised by or afraid of the world's opposition (see chapters 14&15). But here, Jesus reminds the disciples by contradicting their pledge to be faithful. Jesus tells them that they will all be scattered... that they will all be faithless... that they will all be fearful when the Cross comes. But the good news is that although the world is scary and full of difficulty, Christ has overcome the world... and that reality is seen in the full picture of the Cross: one in which Christ declares "It is finished." The job He was given was fulfilled. And the Father stamped that verdict with the resurrection of Christ. Third question-
In what way are you facing tribulation in the world right now? How does Christ's victory over sin, death, and the world's rebellion give you confidence to live for Him tomorrow?I hope these questions and discussion helps you to have confidence as you are being transformed into Christ's image from one degree of glory to another. Enjoy meeting together this week!