Monday, November 23, 2009

Can I call myself grateful?

12 Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 13 bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. 15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:12-17)

Gratitude is a tricky thing to define these days. Too often, we link it to the way a child opens a birthday present or the way we appreciate a favor from a friend. In other words, thankfulness is seen to be the appropriate response when we get what we want in life. But when you read the passage above (which references thankfulness three times in v 15, 16, and 17), it seems that gratitude goes hand in hand with a life in which we don't always get what we want. Consider the following list:
  • v 12 calls us to be compassionate, kind, meek, humble, and patient
  • v 13 calls us to bear with one another and to forgive one another
  • v 14 calls us to pursue love in order to create a relational harmony
  • v 15 calls us to enjoy our salvation as a reminder of our unity
Do these sound like people who were getting everything they wanted? I don't think so. Apparently, thankfulness had a different function: it wasn't for people who had every relational whim satisfied but for people in conflict and disappointment who needed a reminder of what they'd truly received. Now how were they to do this? How were they to stir up a life of gratitude. By focusing on the gospel ("the word of Christ" is the message about who Jesus was and what He did)... it was to dwell in them and create the following activities among them:
  • it was to inform their advice and teaching together (v 16)
  • it was to shape their worship in singing together (v 16)
  • it was to center everything they said and did around Jesus' name (v 17)
So what's the take-home point? From what I'm seeing above, it seems that I'm not simply invited to be thankful when life's going my way. Instead, it seems that thankfulness is an attitude I'm called to cultivate as an overflow of my delight in the gospel. Gratitude (in this sense) guards me from the pitfalls of self-pity and self-righteousness that conflict often leads me towards. What a gift the good news is to us- shaping our thoughts, songs, words, and actions... especially at those times when our friends and family seem most disappointing. So... how are you cultivating gratitude this week?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Transformed by the Resurrection...

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Have you ever found yourself living between the two realities above? "In the world" there are troubles; "In Christ" there is peace. These are two truths we looked at in the passage this past Sunday (John 16:16-33). It's hard to believe that Christ really has overcome the sorrows, anxieties, and opposition we face in this life. It's easy to believe that conflicts with friends, fears about illness or the economy, or resistance to Jesus' Kingdom will somehow win out in the end. Instead, Jesus calls us to remember that we who follow Jesus can by transformed by remembering one thing: Jesus is risen. So this week in community group, let's look for evidence that the Resurrection really does matter in our daily lives.

Pt 1- The gospel transforms sorrowful disciples. (16:20-22) Jesus told his disciples that His departure (the Cross) would cause them to weep and mourn... that the anguish could be compared to a woman in labor. Despite how little they could understand exactly what He meant, Jesus also told them that they could know joy because they would see Him "a little while later." Apparently, the Resurrection would transform the disciples... so here's a question for us: "How does Jesus' resurrection from the dead transform the way you handle sorrow in life?" Be practical- look for verses together that remind you that Jesus' triumph over death can provide you with joy "that no one can take away from you."

Pt 2- The gospel transforms anxious disciples (16:23-27) According to Jesus, the fact that He would come back again would bring about a new day. "In that day" He said, "you will ask in my name, and I do not say to you that I will ask the Father on your behalf..." (v 26) Jesus was inviting the disciples into direct access with the Father- all because of the Resurrection. So here's a second question- How does that work out in your life? When you're anxious and want to live out verses like Matthew 6:25 or Phil 4:6, how does Jesus' resurrection build your confidence in prayer? Again, be specific... do any examples of this come to mind?

Pt 3- The gospel transforms fearful disciples (16:28-33) Jesus was very clear that we are not supposed to be surprised by or afraid of the world's opposition (see chapters 14&15). But here, Jesus reminds the disciples by contradicting their pledge to be faithful. Jesus tells them that they will all be scattered... that they will all be faithless... that they will all be fearful when the Cross comes. But the good news is that although the world is scary and full of difficulty, Christ has overcome the world... and that reality is seen in the full picture of the Cross: one in which Christ declares "It is finished." The job He was given was fulfilled. And the Father stamped that verdict with the resurrection of Christ. Third question- In what way are you facing tribulation in the world right now? How does Christ's victory over sin, death, and the world's rebellion give you confidence to live for Him tomorrow?

I hope these questions and discussion helps you to have confidence as you are being transformed into Christ's image from one degree of glory to another. Enjoy meeting together this week!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Speaking with the confidence of a forgiven convict...

"Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convict the world..." (John 16:7-8)

Over these last two weeks, we've tried to answer a very difficult question: "How is it possibly best that Jesus is not here on the earth in physical form?" I mean seriously, which one of us wouldn't rather have Jesus preaching the Sunday sermon and then have that transmitted all over the world to hear? He could do all the conferences and clarify our struggles in a series of Q&A's... what could be better than that? Apparently (according to John 14 to 16) it's better the way God's arranged it now: the Son (glorified in heaven) making intercession for us in His Father's direct presence; the Spirit (active on earth) comforting the church and convicting the world. The challenge (as we've seen recently in John) is to live out that reality- all this has been to our advantage... and it's been great to be reminded of that with you recently. As you come to community groups this week, let's build each other's faith for the active work of the Spirit in the church and in our neighbors:

By way of review: the HELPER- pt 1 (John 15:26-27)
Jesus builds our expectation of the Spirit's role by reminding us that the Helper has come to comfort the church.

Pt 1- The Holy Spirit comes after Jesus. Jesus pointed the disciples to the "Helper" (other versions: "Comforter" or "Counselor"... all of which are tied to a NT word used mainly in this passage) and wanted them to anticipate His arrival. He told them that His glory was going to shine brightest once He has returned to the Father... but they wouldn't be alone. Instead, His followers would have the advantage of Another Helper who could reside in them... that promise became a massive reality at Pentecost. Question: as a Christian looking back on Calvary and Pentecost, do you live aware that the Holy Spirit lives in you? What could you do to increase your awareness of His comfort for you?

Pt 2- The Holy Spirit comes from Jesus. Jesus promised that He would send the Spirit in 15:26. He had also mentioned that the Father would send the Spirit in chapter 14 (v 16 and 26). The disciples had the confidence that the Helper's arrival was with the full authority of the Father and the personal request of the Son. Therefore, the comfort we receive from the Spirit and the confidence He gives come with the full weight of God's will. This should evoke a sense of humble anticipation for the Spirit's work. Question: Does it humble you to consider the holiness of God's Spirit who has come to dwell in you? How would you describe your current level of anticipation at meeting with God's Spirit who has come to dwell in you? What are you doing to grow in both humility and eagerness to meet with God?


By way of review: the HELPER- pt 2 (John 16:1-11)
Jesus builds our confidence of the Spirit's assistance by reminding us that the Helper has come to convict the world.

Pt 1- The DILEMMA- The world is deceived (v 1-4).
Jesus reminded the disciples that the world (those who live under the lie that God's glory is not supremely valuable) is deceived. It lives with a false sense of values- much like the Emperor valued his new "clothes". The result of this deception is that the world can (and will) persecute those who live for God's glory today. We are in danger of forgetting this opposition... in danger of living according to the world's priorities... in danger of falling away when we're opposed. Question: Have you been surprised lately at any ways in which you've been persecuted? (Why or why not?)

Pt 2- The HERO- The Helper has come (v 4-7). Jesus encouraged the disciples that they could live with confidence in the midst of this deception and persecution because they weren't alone. Jesus hadn't abandoned them (14:27-28). Instead, the had gained considerably because of the presence of the Spirit. Question: As Darren read the e-mails of those who had shared the gospel over this past week, what people came to mind in your life that you've wanted to witness to? How would a stronger belief in the Spirit's presence give you confidence to speak up in the "God moments" that He is arranging for you?

Pt 3- The RESCUE- the Helper is speaking (v 8-11). Jesus told the disciples that the Spirit is actively at work convicting the world of three things: (1) Conviction about the sin of unbelief in who Jesus is - v 9. Jesus died in order to bear God's wrath against sin. The world must "trample the Son of God" in order to reject God's glory. (2) Conviction about their lack of innate righteousness - v 10. Just like Jesus diverted the Jews eyes from the Temple and the Sabbath to Himself, the Spirit diverts our eyes from our attempts at being good enough. Instead, the Helper points to the righteousness available in Christ alone. (3) Conviction about the judgment Satan will endure - v 11. The Enemy was judged at the Cross because of the Savior's victory over sin. All those who live according to Satan's deception in the world will suffer the same judgment for their rebellion. Questions: If we believed that the Helper was actively working to convict sin, how that affect whether we would do the following things?
  • How might we parent our children if we knew He was at work?
  • How might we confidently share the gospel if we knew He was at work?
  • How might we bear with our sibling's, friend's, or spouse's failures if we knew He was at work?
a forgiven convict,

Monday, October 5, 2009

Abiding in the One the world hates...

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus; look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."

Over the past two weeks, we've meditated on passages where Jesus has made very bold statements about what it means to be disconnected from Him. "Apart from me, you can do nothing." (John 15:5), "If I had not done among them the works that no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin, but now they have seen and hated both me and my Father." (John 15:24). Amazingly, however, Jesus didn't leave us like this... disconnected from Him, in rebellion against Him, lifeless without Him.

Instead, Jesus chose us to be his friends. "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit... you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world." (John 15:16) We're His friends- not just servants- but trusted allies to whom He reveals His plans! And in doing so, He invites us to draw our strength from Him by being deeply rooted in Him. The only way for us to bear fruit for Him is for us to abide in Christ's love for us. As we gather this week for community groups, let's look to encourage each other in practical ways we can abide in Christ's love and grow in compassion for our friends who are still in lifeless rebellion against God.

By way of review: the VINE (John 15:1-17)
Jesus gave us the analogy of a vine to describe the invitation to be rooted in His love for us.

Pt 1- JESUS is the true vine.
Where Israel failed as the root of blessing for all nations, Jesus shows Himself as the fulfillment of Gods' promises and the source of spiritual life. And Jesus is to be contrasted from false vines we can create today: church attendance, spiritual background, family connections. Question: What are you tempted to look to for your identity as a person?

Pt 2- WE are the branches.
The gospel doesn't simply end with forgiveness... it invites us into relationship with God. Jesus describes that relationship by pointing to the relationship between a branch and a trunk. In the same way, we are in an organic, dependent, vibrant relationship with God that makes us fruitful. Three ways we can abide in Christ come from the text:
  • We must acknowledge that we can do nothing apart from Him (v 4-5)... we are called to depend on God.
  • We must have His word abide in us (v 7)... we are invited to welcome God's Word in our lives... "to let it rearrange our furniture."
  • We must obey God's commands (v 10)... we are invited to continue our fellowship with God through our obedience to God (like William playing with Eric.)
Pt 3- THE FATHER is the vinedresser. Pruning is the removal of dead branches. Instead, pruning cuts away stems that are alive that the branch bears more fruit. Pruning is a sign of God's active love for His people (see Isa 5 and Heb 12). This can occur in our lives when God takes away things we thought were critical for our success and happiness. Question: are you receiving the pruning hand of your Father or accusing Him of unkindness towards you?


By way of review: the WORLD (John 15:18-25)
Jesus reminds us that His choice in our lives to pardon us provides us with courage in the midst of the world. As we understand the world's rebellion we grow in gratitude and courage.

Pt 1- We understand our rebellion through the lens of GUILT.
Too often, we are prone to think of our guilt as something that we did or didn't do. But Jesus reminds us that guilt is chiefly the rejection of God's glory as worthless... nowhere is this more evident than in the rejection of Jesus and the gospel (His life and work). Ultimately the most important thing about us is how we treat Son of God.
Pt 2- We understand our rebellion through the lens of HATRED. Jesus describes the antagonism between Him and His opponents in stark terms (hatred, persecution). No football rivalries could ever match the description of this animosity... the world simply put hates God and His claims over all that He has made. Instead, the world seeks to assert its independence from God. This leaves us with a choice. Don Carson wrote, "Former rebels who have been won back (by the grace of God) to loving allegiance to their King are not likely to prove popular with those who persist in rebellion."

Application: Understanding our rebellion through these lenses gives us a clearer view of grace.
  • As you reconsidered your participation in a world that rejected God, how were you freshly grateful for God's choice to redeem you from this world?
  • As you reconsidered the state of our culture today as rebels towards God, were there any areas in which you've been living with a desire to fit into and be popular in our world?
  • As you reconsidered the state of your unsaved friends, how can we pray for you to have courage to speak with those who might respond to the message of salvation? (John 15:20).
Have a great time applying God's Word to your lives in community!

Monday, September 14, 2009

The sincerest form of flattery?

We've heard it all before... imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The fact that I'm trying to reproduce somebody's musical style or artistic talent is my deepest way of paying homage to them. Strange then, that Jesus responded the way He did to Peter in John 14.

This past Sunday we started our new series from the "Farewell Discourse" in John. Jesus has only one night left with his closest group of friends... and in John 13 we see him stooped down in a dirty towel scrubbing filth from their feet (v 1-17). He endures the betrayal of Judas (v 18-30) and then calls those that remain to love each other in unthinkable ways (v 31-35). This chain of events left Peter indignant and self-confident: "Lord... I will lay down my life for you."

How often we're just like Peter... we think we know what we're supposed to do and we know that we can do it so we pipe up, "I'm in! God, YOU can count on ME." Unaware of our weakness and unwilling to consider an alternative, we figure that all God wants is for us to imitate Him... yet somehow- Jesus isn't flattered.

Instead, Jesus corrects Peter (correcting us in the process). The way to love others like God isn't to try and flex our muscles of imitation. We'll fail (like Peter) and deny our love for God (like Peter)... and ultimately receive the same promise as Peter: "I am going to prepare a place for you."

Peter wasn't qualified for heaven because of his strength but because of his willingness to be washed by the One at his feet. Only Jesus is the Way that Christians can love like God. We're not called to imitate Him; instead, we love others only when we depend on Him. In many ways, that's what this series is going to declare for us: what will it mean to depend on Christ as the Only Way to God? And answering that question is critical for us to bring glory to God... because we don't glorify God simply by our imitation but by our dependence on Him. Here are some questions that might help... you could discuss a few of them this week in Community Group:
  • How are you currently serving and loving others in God's Kingdom?
  • Do you see ways that God has given you gifts and abilities to do this?
  • What came to mind as we unpacked the "new commandment" to love like God?
  • Why is Jesus' statement in 14:6 offensive to people today?
  • Have you ever struggled with the idea that Jesus is the ONLY way to know God?
  • In what ways do you think you try to follow Jesus' example without depending on Him for strength? (be specific)
  • As you think about Jesus' promise in verses 12, how does it seem possible that we could do "greater works than these"? How does that encourage you about God's plans for you?
  • As you consider Jesus' promise in verses 13-14, how could you pray differently about what God is doing in your life right now?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Wisdom and Folly...

Back to School season... the commercials always seem to start up every summer a little earlier than they did the year before. Trapper-Keepers, clothing sales, and that little phone commercial about the dad doing his twitter update about sitting on the porch all seem to mark this time of the deep breath before the plunge back into the classroom. How kind that the Preacher has given us something to think about once again!

In Ecclesiastes 1:13-18 we read that wisdom as a pursuit doesn't bring much meaning to life. The reason it comes up empty is that although we grow in our ability to diagnose things about life, we don't have the ability to make things different (v 15 - what is crooked can't be made straight). As a result we wind up "vexed" and sad (v 18). So what's the point of going to school again?

First, wisdom that comes from God reveals the need our world has for a Savior. The Preacher saw things and turned into a cynic... sorrowful and bitter about the problems he saw in the world. This danger is real for all of us. Increasing in knowledge always brings about a proportional risk of growing in arrogance and disdain. But none of us wants to be a "food critic" regarding life. We want to savor and enjoy grace wherever we can find it. So how can we humble ourselves enough to do this?

Second, we have to remember that wisdom that comes from God is revealed by behavior. James 3 tells us that those who truly possess wisdom from above are marked by good conduct. Their wisdom could be described as "meek." In short, according to God- wisdom is as wisdom does (apologies to Forrest). James says that folks who are truly wise will be people who are "pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, merciful, impartial, and sincere." They will be people who are marked by "good fruit." This makes us ask ourselves, "What happens to me when I learn something new (something new about life, the world, or about others)? Do I become critical and arrogant in my observations? Or am I marked more by this list in James?" If you're not sure... I'll be there are some folks you know who could help you answer this question. But what if we see something kind of ugly about ourselves in the process?

Lastly, we must remember that the ultimate display of wisdom is seen at Calvary. Paul dealt with a church that was enamored by people who lived morally and spoke eloquently. They thought that those who were "wise" were respected and ultimately worthy of favor from God. But Paul reminded them in 1 Cor 1 that the Cross was ultimately God's greatest reminder that man's strength and wisdom were useless before God. "At the cross God shattered all human pretensions to strength and wisdom" (Carson). At the end of the day, nothing humbles us more than focusing on the Cross. And there is our hope: although it's tempting to grow in pride as we gain knowledge, living in the shadow of the Cross is a more powerful antidote to pride. Not only are we humbled by God's wisest display of what the world calls waste, we're included in God's display of this "folly!" God chose us (who aren't wise, noble, or worthy) so that people would ultimately have their eyes drawn to the One who is the wisdom of God.

Enjoy reveling in our weakness that we might boast in the Lord! (1 Cor 1:13-31)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Rethinking wealthiness...

This last week, we looked at the Preacher's take on riches in Ecclesiastes 5. We're all so tempted to look to our bank accounts as indicators of whether we can feel good about ourselves and have confidence for the future. But through that passage, God reminded us that wealth on the earth isn't all it's made out to be. Money always disappoints us in the moment and never comes through for us in the end. That's just part of the way God's ordained things: only He satisfies us fully in Christ... and He's not about to be replaced.

In order to help my family think this through, I'm considering a little book I've just run across. It's by Greg Dutcher, a seasoned pastor who recently started a church in Maryland. The book is called You are the Treasure that I Seek... but there's a lot of cool stuff out there, Lord. Interesting title... I hope the book will be a help to me as I try to subdue Here's a little blurb about it:

With honesty, humor, and compassion, author Greg Dutcher addresses a contemporary problem that most Christians aren’t even aware of: idolatry. He reminds his readers that there is a battle to be fought, and what is at stake is our lives, the lives of others, and, most importantly, the reputation of Christ Himself. With winsome anecdotes, references to modern culture, biblical references, and nods to respected theologians such as Charles Spurgeon, John Piper, and C. S. Lewis, Dutcher makes us aware of the problem, helps us isolate it, and then gives us the weapons to contain it. Study questions at the end of each chapter make this a great individual or group Bible study.

Anyway, I thought I'd list a few closing points from the sermon on Sunday:

How are we to fight materialism and gain treasure that lasts for eternity?
1. Kill those things that threaten your contentment in Christ.
2. Beware of a growing anxiety about your stuff.
3. Beware of a growing greed about other's stuff.
4. Give generously to God's work and others in need.
5. Be grateful (with your words) about your current lot.
6. Most importantly, strengthen your satisfaction in Christ alone.

Praying it helps us to use our wealth as a foundation for our futures,

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Usefulness, fairness, and coolness...

Over the past three weeks, we've heard from "the Preacher" about the trouble with toil, the idiocy of injustice, and the perils of power. As we gather this week to apply God's word to our lives, I wanted to provide a basic overview of these messages and to suggest a few application questions for discussion. I pray God uses these in your groups as you seek to discuss what God is doing in your lives.


Sunday, July 19- Ecc 2:18-23 by Jonathan Putnam
THE BIG IDEA: the gospel makes it possible for us to glorify God in the work He has assigned us.

First Point: Death renders work meaningless.
Sin has affected our work to the point that we want to labor for our own honor. We see a picture of this in the Tower of Babel. The curse on work in Genesis 3 demonstrates God's opposition to our attempts at working for our glory. In this sense, the curse on work is the mercy of God that makes self-centered labor fruitless.

Second Point: Christ rendered death powerless.
The resurrection of Jesus marks the triumph of Christ over death as the final payment for sin. Instead, Jesus' death on the cross pays our debt before God, and God's resurrection of Christ demonstrates that this payment is effective. If that is true, then death is powerless over us... and our work can be meaningful.

Third Point: Christians can labor in a meaningful way for God.

Jonathan pointed out that (in seeking to live for God) Christians can glorify God in three ways:
  1. We glorify God in the tasks of our work. We can actually bring glory to God because our labor imitates God's labors (see Genesis 1). In this sense, we labor like God.
  2. We glorify God in the quality of our work. We can bring glory to God because our labors are a means of "working heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." In this sense, we labor for God.
  3. We glorify God in the goal of our work. We can make God look good when we remember that God uses our jobs as ways of restoring the world to himself. In this sense, we labor with God.
Some Questions to Ponder:
  • What has God been showing you about how you've built your own Tower of Babel?
  • How does Jesus' victory over death give you hope that your work can be meaningful again?
  • In what way (from the third point) are you encouraged that you can glorify God at work?


Sunday, July 26- Ecc 3:16-4:3 by Darren Lander
THE BIG IDEA: the greatest injustice the world's ever seen provides courage to act against injustice and comfort when I'm treated unjustly.

First Point: Injustice distorts our outlook.
The injustices of life can make us think that nobody is in control over life and that there is no comfort for those who suffer in this life. The Preacher saw this in the courts and in the workplace, and we can find those same injustices publicly on display today in corrupt trials and unfairness towards workers and stockholders today. This evidence can tempt us because...

Second Point: Injustice lies about our God.
The "Preacher" in Ecclesiastes came to the conclusion that injustice makes life a hopeless cause. He thought that people were no better off than animals and that death was the only hope for those who suffer. In fact, when we try to reconcile whether our lives are meaningful, we often look (like George Bailey) back on the impact we've made on those around us. Sadly, we often find a lack of evidence that supports the idea that our suffering in life has been worth it. But God brings hope to us because...

Third Point: Injustice reveals God's justice and control.

The truth is that we've never suffered in any degree as Jesus has suffered for us. Rather than making us feel guilty that we struggle under suffering, this should encourage us about 4 things:
a. God uses our suffering to prove our faith (1 Peter 1:3-7)
b. God uses our suffering to magnify His glory (Romans 8:16-19)
c. God used Christ's suffering to bring us to God (1 Pet 3:17-18)
d. God used Christ's suffering to reveals His righteousness (Romans 3:21-26)

If God can use the greatest injustice in history to guarantee His justice and our salvation, then we can trust Him to use the lesser suffering in our life to rivet our faith on Christ and to declare His worthiness to others who suffer. Therefore,
  1. We will never WINK at injustice, instead- we'll act wisely to help others who suffer.
  2. We will never WORRY about injustice, instead- we'll pray fervently when we suffer.
  3. We will always TAKE COMFORT in the cross- the greatest injustice ever seen.
Some Questions to Ponder:
  • In what ways have you been feeling as though you've been unjustly treated lately?
  • What has this tempted you to believe about God and His way of dealing with you?
  • How does God's treatment of you (through Christ's suffering) encourage you as you suffer?


Sunday, August 2- Ecc 4:13-16 by Darren Lander
THE BIG IDEA: the lies of popularity to stick with us and protect us are countered and conquered by the fear of the Lord and the love of Christ.

First Point: Popularity pledges to stick with us forever.
The "Preacher" observed the ways in which the king of Israel (beloved and old) would be replaced by his successor and forgotten by his people... and that this would be the lot for all who would succeed him on the throne. This reality sobered him, but we are all tempted to place our identity in what others think of us. Because we all want to be remembered and have our namesake honored forever...

Second Point: Popularity pledges to protect us from harm.
In Ecclesiastes 8, the Preacher gave advice to the counselors to the king, who would be in danger of suffering harm at the hands of the tyrannical king of Israel. To protect them, the Preacher provided rules to live by in order to keep themselves out of trouble. In the same way, we can live under rules that we think should help us to know the right thing to say at the right time (v 2-6)... but we can't really know how to act all the time (v 6-9). People are troubled by things we can't see and respond in ways we can't predict. We see this in public settings and in our private lives. We'd love to be free from this desire to live for other's approval so that we'd never feel hurt in social settings again... but we seem chained by the desire to live for other people's approval. But good news exists...

Third Point: The Savior pledges to change our allegiances.
Jesus died to free us from living for our glory and to release us to live for His namesake. We see a model of this in Paul's life (who was threatened and mocked but who chose to serve Christ and others nonetheless). In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul demonstrates that he was motivated by 2 things:
  1. Paul was motivated by the fear of the Lord (v 11). This knowledge of Jesus as the Creator and Judge over all freed him from fearing others' opinion or lack of honor for himself.
  2. Paul was motivated by the love of Christ (v 14-15). This awareness of Christ's love for Him motivated him to die to others' approval and to live for Him who died (namely Christ).
Some Questions to Ponder:
  • In what ways are you living for the limelight... aiming to be the "flavor of the month" for others?
  • What do you think you might be afraid of that keeps you so committed to living for other's approval?
  • What could you imagine being different about the way you lived if you were to grow in an awareness of God's majesty (the fear of the Lord) and God's affection (the love of Christ)?

I hope these are some reminders of what we've discussed and help to provide a refresher of what God's been doing both to convict you of sin, to remind you of His work, and to encourage you that He's provided grace for you. Have a great night together!


Monday, July 13, 2009

Happiness and the Problem with Pleasure

Yesterday in church, we heard God speak to us from Ecclesiastes 2:1-11. The "Preacher" in the book of Ecclesiastes recounted his pursuit of pleasure in the world of work, wine, women, and song. He possessed more stuff and claimed ownership over servants and their children to such an extent that he "surpassed all who were before me in Jerusalem." He must have been a pretty happy guy.

Truth is, the "Preacher" looked in all the wrong places for real happiness and joy. He built his world around his own agenda ("whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them." v 10). But verse 11 gives us his pitiful conclusion: "The I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and beold, all was vanity and a striving after the wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun."

The problem of the Preacher is the same one we run into time and time again like a sliding glass door: we've all been looking in the wrong places for the reward of significant and lasting joy. God offers himself and his purposes as our delight (see Psalm 1, 16, 21). He calls us to set our hopes on Him (1 Tim 6) and to rejoice because of Him (Phil 4). He graciously gives us all good things to enjoy but sin has left its effect on each of these gifts... lying to us... claiming to be THE final and eternal pleasure in life. And we must be able to discern the difference.

You see, only the gospel frees us to enjoy both God and His gifts... because only the gospel redeems us from the futility of life.
We look to the pleasures of this world for lasting comfort, for relief from guilt, for the source of joy. But only God grants comfort, forgiveness, and joy... and only the finished work of Jesus brings us to God. That's why we celebrate the gospel in our quest to enjoy God.

This week in community groups, we're going to follow up on the sermon with the following questions:

  • The Preacher savored and probably inebriated himself with wine… is there anything you savor to the point of habit or addiction?
  • The Preacher constructed something of a Paradise (like Eden) for himself… what have you constructed in life to create your own sanctuary of ease?
  • He surrounded himself with slaves as possessions and increased his sense of power through money… have you been treating other people like possessions to do your bidding or given your life and energy in pursuit of one more toy or goodie?
  • The Preacher entertained himself with personal court singers... are there forms of entertainment that dominate your budget or schedule?
  • (IF YOU BREAK INTO MEN/WOMEN): The Preacher and delighted himself with sexual pleasures… have illicit sexual pleasure captured your imagination or pursuits?
  • The Preacher lived his life unaware of the reality of God's desire to lift his eyes "above the sun"... what have you been doing lately to "set your hearts on things above, not on earthly things?"
  • The Preacher was ultimately miserable because he built his search for pleasure around himself. Jesus calls us to lives of ultimate joy that are found in living for His kingdom (Matt 6), knowing His Son... serving Him... and even suffering for Him (Phil 3), ultimately that we would experience the blessing of serving in His Kingdom (Matt 5) and one day seeing Him face to face (1 Cor 13, Rev 22)... what promises from God have been especially significant for you in treasuring Jesus Christ above all pleasures of the earth?
Seeking to treasuring Jesus with you all,

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Back in the saddle again...

This past week twenty-four teens and parents made their way out to Clymer, PA for Youth Camp 09. We enjoyed 3 days of worship, teaching, games, and the incomparable experience of sleeping on 1 in foam mattresses. All in all, God blessed us by giving us a greater appreciation for our new birth in Christ as we studied John 3 and Ephesians 2 together. Some at camp were assured of their new life in Christ, some grew in their enthusiasm for their new birth, and some experienced the miracle of being born again this past week. What a great time we had!

Here's my concern for us as a church: YC09 marks the 3rd conference our church has made a concerted effort to attend just this year. In January married couples attended the conference "Marriage and the Mercy of God" as we heard how God intends us to transfer the mercy we've received from God to our spouses. In May, young adults attending NEXT were refreshed by looking again at the person and work of Jesus Christ. And now Youth Camp... why should we be concerned with that?

Because hearing God's word always comes with the danger that we aren't going to do anything about it. James 1:22-27 describes this danger and uses the analogy of someone looking into a mirror, seeing the truth about themselves, and walking away without making any adjustments. James calls this deception... the deception that we're changed by hearing alone. And we've heard a lot at SGC over these past few months... a lot at conferences, a lot from the pulpit, and a lot personally as we've looked at the books Worldliness and When Sinners Say "I Do" over these past few months. And next week, we're starting a brand new sermon series from the book of Ecclesiastes. So here's the question: what have you been doing about what you've heard?

Don't get me wrong... James isn't asking us to work our way into God's good graces or to find a way to earn our salvation- that was all accomplished by Jesus. Instead, James is asking us to seriously consider how what we've heard is affecting the ways we're living. In particular, James asks us to look at our speech (v 26), our compassion (v 27), and our purity (v 27). As we've looked into the mirror of God's Word over these last 6 months, we've all seen areas that need adjustment and repentance. Have we humbled ourselves by confessing these sins and asking for help from God? That's the means by which God helps us because God "gives grace to the humble." (James 4:6).

So... how have you been humbling yourself lately in order to receive grace to change?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Preparing for Sunday...

I was looking back over the last sermon Don DeVries delivered to us in July of 2007. Our series was from 2 Timothy 4:1-8 and was called Final Words... partly because it reflected Paul's last charge to Timothy and partly because it reflected Don's last series of sermons to Sovereign Grace Church.

As he was closing out this message he gave us five ways of preparing for the Sunday meeting... particularly in preparing ourselves to hear God's Word preached. Rereading them, I thought these were so good that I wanted to share them with you here as we prepare for tomorrow:

1st Recognize the unique place of the preached word in your life. Last week I shared that the four legs of Christian growth included: Scripture, prayer, biblical fellowship and preaching. Something unique happens when we sit under God’s word in the context of the local church. The Holy Spirit anoints His word and He anoints those who are listening.

2nd Go to bed early on Saturday night so you are ready to listen and engage with God’s word. I must draw on John Piper here, “Without sufficient sleep our minds are dull, our emotions are flat, our proneness to depression is higher and our fuses are short” He goes on to write, “I especially exhort parents to teach teenagers that Saturday night is not the night to stay out late with friends…It is a terrible thing to teach children that worship is so optional that it doesn’t matter if you are exhausted when you come.”

3rd Avoid worldly entertainment on Saturday night to prepare your heart for the message on Sunday. Again, John Piper brings a very sobering exhortation when he writes, “It astonishes me how many Christians watch the same… empty... trivial… suggestive…immodest TV shows that most unbelievers watch. This makes us small and weak and worldly and inauthentic in worship. Instead turn off the television on Saturday night and read something true and great and beautiful and pure and honorable and excellent and worthy of praise. Your heart will unshrivel and you will be able to feel greatness again.”

4th Put aside preferences. We all have the temptation to prefer a particular style of preaching or a particular theme. We might prefer to have the OT preached to the NT or a gospel preached to one of Paul’s letters. None of these desires are inherently wrong unless they hinder you from hearing and applying God’s word or they tempt you to become sinfully critical.

5th Be humble and teachable. Each week, listen to what the Spirit might be speaking to you from His word. Look for one thing each week that you can apply. As you do, the roots of your spiritual life will grow deeper and your communion and walk with the Lord will only grow sweeter.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Soak your soul in this...

I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory." "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 15:50-57

What a complete privilege awaits us! We cannot inherit the greatness of God's kingdom in its fullness as we are... but we will ALL be changed! In a way we won't even fully comprehend as it happens before we can blink, we will be clothed with the immortal capacity to celebrate Christ's victory over death. We're going to sing a song this Sunday that captures this reality so well; here are the words from There is a Day by Nathan Fellingham. Can't wait to sing this with you tomorrow!

There is a day that all creation’s waiting for
A day of freedom and liberation for the earth
And on that day the Lord will come to meet His bride
And when we see Him in an instant we’ll be changed

The trumpet sounds and the dead will then be raised
By His power, never to perish again
Once only flesh, now clothed with immortality
Death has now been swallowed up in victory

We will meet Him in the air
And then we will be like Him
For we will see Him as He is, O yeah
Then all hurt and pain will cease
And we’ll be with Him forever
And in His glory we will live, O yeah, O yeah

So lift Your eyes to the things as yet unseen
That will remain now for all eternity
Though trouble’s hard, it’s only momentary
And it’s achieving our future glory

Friday, April 10, 2009

but (in fact) Christ has been raised...

"This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me..." (Matthew 15:8-9)

"Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you- unless you believed in vain." (
1 Corinthians 15:1-2)

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." (
1 Corinthians 15:58

Isn't it interesting that so much that seems central to the Christian faith can in reality be empty and worthless when viewed through God's eyes? Our worship, our belief, our labors can actually be empty shells of words, doctrine, and deeds as God sees them. That's not the epitaph I want on my faith... or on the life of our church. But what prevents us from falling into the trappings of religion that mean nothing to God? There's much that does... but according to 1 Corinthians 15- there is one thing we can't forget- Christ is risen.

"But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead!" (1 Cor 15:20) This doctrine carries more freight than a once a year celebration merits. According to Paul, if it's false- Christians are pathetic and Christianity is pointless. But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead... and that makes all the difference in how we hold to the great news of the gospel. So come join us this month as we study 1 Corinthians 15 to celebrate what's so GOOD about the gospel!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Father is Seeking Worshippers...

Those words have their basis in John 4- "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (v 23-24)

What an amazing reality that is! God desires worshipers who are in tune with Him... who know who God is and are internally drawn to Him- not the most accurate description of our culture. Our world elevates and worships many things... but God as He's revealed Himself in Scripture in the face of Jesus Christ isn't among the top 10- at all. But the Father is seeking worshipers.

This Sunday, we'll be looking at John 4 to grasp the connection between worship and evangelism... how a burden to tell others about God begins and ends with a heart amazed by His glory. I'm looking forward to Eric's message for this reason... that I might grow in both my wonder at God's glory and the weight of my call to share what I've known with others.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Worshiping God together...

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." (Romans 12:1)

As we've seen over the past few weeks, worshiping God should define the way we spend our lives. Worship isn't contained by what we do Sunday mornings- it's bigger and broader than that (it's what we do with every action). But worship isn't possible simply because of our feelings or obedience- it's more significant than that (it's achieved because of Jesus' perfect life and death). Worship is a privilege that consumes our lives because both God's nature and grace are that overwhelming.

That daily reality should have an effect on the times when we get together. Church services aren't intended to be a common experience... they're not merely social gatherings, seminars on topics of interest, or musical performances. We gather together so that we can experience God's love, declare the glories of His grace, and encourage each other with the truth of His word. This isn't common- it's profound and transcendent... something eternal that's to be portrayed when we meet as a community.

So how should we prepare for a meeting this significant? How do we make sure that we come ready for a celebration this important? That's the question we're going to try to answer as our series comes to a close... and Hebrews 10:19-25 will be a great place to close our time. We've learned that we come to God on the basis of grace, and this affects our hearts, words, and expressions of worship. So what will that mean? "Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This is a series on worship?

Over the past two weeks, we've begun a series on worshiping God... but you might have noticed that we haven't really hit the big "worship" topics. Why haven't we talked about the "style" of worship (like contemporary or traditional) or the "stuff" of worship (like singing and playing instruments)? Good questions.

First, no- we didn't forget. Instead, we wanted to begin the series by remembering what makes worship possible in the first place. We were people who saw God's glory in creation and heard it in the word... and we blew God off, we lived for other things, we considered Him insignificant. We didn't worship Him- we ignored Him. So what happened? Simply, Jesus lived for us, died for us, and sent the Spirit to change us. Ignoring and blowing God off isn't our destiny anymore... worship is. But "worship" songs that forget Jesus' finished work aren't really worship. So we wanted to start there first.

So here's where we're headed: this week, Eric will be preaching on the privilege of singing. The following week, we'll be looking at what it means to be expressive in worship. Finally, we'll tie things up by thinking about how to live during the week to make the most of Sunday morning. All of that will hopefully enable us to clearly understand what it means to "present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." (Rom 12:1)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Don't follow your heart...

Take care lest your heart be deceived, and you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them... Deut 11:16

Last Sunday, we saw that the foundation of worship is the finished work of Christ. It is Jesus who has made it possible for us not to relate to God on the basis of how obedient we are; instead, when we come to God we meet with the grace that Jesus purchased for us... that our Father extended to us. What a great joy it is to come gratefully to God, in awe of who He is. So why don't we come to Him this way every day? Why do we find worship services boring?

Our hearts can be so easily deceived- led astray and turning aside... giving our attention, our adoration, our worship to things and people instead of God. So we need to be careful (to "take care") not to let this happen. We want our worship to be "acceptable" but it often isn't.

That's why I'm excited that we have Jason Reyes coming this next week. Jason's going to take us through Psalm 19, ending with these words, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer." Acceptable worship comes from hearts that meditate on the glories of the gospel and the greatness of God. So let's anticipate good things this Sunday!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What you got here that's worth living for?

Did you know that the Bible actually says, "You shall not worship the Lord your God"? It's true... but only in part. Actually, the full sentence is "You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way." Moses wrote that twice in Deuteronomy 12 when God was telling Israel how to worship Him. In the beginning and the end of the chapter, He reminded them that they weren't supposed to simply imitate the ways that the people around them... God had something different in mind for Israel. But what? How does God want us to worship Him?

Without sounding too much like a teaser... come join us this month to find out! But here's a pretty cool tidbit in the middle of the chapter. In the midst of all the other regulations God set up for the Israelites, He reminded them in verse 7, "you shall rejoice, you and your households, in all that you undertake, in which the Lord your God has blessed you."

What a great reminder that is for me as I get ready for Sunday morning: I am preparing to rejoice because God has blessed me! I don't have to look any further than Calvary as proof of that fact. “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin.” (Rom 4:7-8)

(btw- if you're still reading and can identify the source of the title, you can claim your prize on Sunday...)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

a living sacrifice

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:1-2)

Over the next 5 weeks, we're going to take time to look at what God says about worship... about why we worship Him and how we are to worship Him. We'll look at how the big call to worship God with everything we do every day applies in a concentrated way to specifically what we do at church on Sunday. I'm excited about the way this can fuel our faith
to apply what we just learned in our series on faith from James "... no human being can tame the tongue... With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so." (James 3:8-10)

Let's look forward to the ways over this next month that God wants to transform both our everyday worship AND our Sunday worship together!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Redemptive Rescue...

"My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins." (James 5:19-20)

This Sunday, we'll be soaking in the wonderful rescue plan laid out for us in this text. It's one we're all called to and all covered by. It's one we're all ultimately amazed by- that God's grace can indeed cover over the vast sea of our sins. How good to experience what was sung in Psalm 32:1-2 "Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity..."

Friday, February 13, 2009

Praying in boldness...

This Sunday, we're going to be looking at James 5:13-17, a section your bibles may have titled as "The Prayer of Faith." Given our current burden to be in specific prayer over this month, I'm glad we're in this passage at this point. The other reason I'm glad is that it affords us the specific application of praying as a church for those who are sick.

All this is built on our confidence in the gospel. Consider this quote, taken from Milton Vincent's A Gospel Primer:
"If I want my life to bloom full and loom large for the glory of God, then I must have boldness- and nothing so nourishes boldness in my like the gospel! The gospel gives me boldness first by banishing my greatest fear, the fear of God's eternal wrath. Indeed, Christ bore God's wrath upon Himself... that I might be released from the daily fear of such wrath as I think ahead to judgment day... The more I comprehend what God has done for me through Christ, the more I find myself confidently coming before God in prayer (Heb 4:16), speaking to Him in situations in which I formerly would have shrunk from Him, and offering requests that I formerly would have been too timid to offer (due either to the largeness of the request or my own sinful unworthiness)."

It's easy for us to think that God's pleasure to hear our requests is based on us moving past our unworthiness to a place of maturity or obedience. But our confidence to offer large and audacious requests (for a place to meet or for healing from sickness) is always based on Christ's character and work for us. Additionally, our confidence is rewarded by the "increased enjoyment of God and the bounty that He gives, due simply to the fact that I was daring enough to ask for what was needed." (Vincent, pg 52).

So, are you daring enough to ask God in boldness, trusting that He can be enjoyed in the process?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Fruitful $42...

Sovereign Grace Ministries is offering a pretty steep discount on their books and other materials.
You can purchase books for $7 (shipping's free), so I wanted to let you know of six small books that are easy to read and challenging to apply. (All of these books are written by CJ and Josh.)

  1. Living the Cross-Centered Life: This is a great book on growing deeper in your functional application of what Jesus accomplished for you.
  2. Humility: This will help you to relate rightly to God and others through restoring an accurate view of God and of the Cross in your life.
  3. Stop Dating the Church: This will assist you in becoming dependent on and invested in God’s grace through a local body.
  4. Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God: For married folks, this book can rekindle your view of caring for your spouse through the lens of the Song of Songs.
  5. Sex is Not the Problem (Lust Is): This is a great book for married and single folks on how to fight lust. (Bob Donahue referenced this on Saturday in Copley.)
  6. Worldliness: This will help you to resist the culture's increasingly attractive love-affair with the world.